quarta-feira, julho 15

Brobalização (brobalization) - Dave from England

Hoje estamos oficialmente expandindo as fronteiras do BRoba com a primeira participação internacional, é o Dave da Inglaterra. Ele nos enviou alguns belos sketches feitos em aquarela e quer saber a opinião de vocês. Ah, ele só tem 17 e ainda não faz design!

Today we are expanding the BRoba´s frontiers with the first international participation, is Dave from England. He sent us some beautiful sketches made with watercolor and he wants our opinion. He is only 17 and doesn´t study design yet!

Posted by Victor Samuel

Welcome to BRoba Dave

"Hy Broba Folks! My name is Dave Pinsker, I have 17 years old, And I live in Bristol, England... I like broba because of the quality of sketches and designs people come up with, and its great to be a part of it!!!
Tnx for all Broba!
Go Broba!"


9 comentários:

  1. O pessoal com essa idade nesse nível, fico até com vergonha de tentar mandar algo para vocês!hehe


  2. Hi mate, you got a really nice sketch, proportions and redering.
    Keep going and you gonna find your space.

  3. Very very very Nice!!!!, and you are only 17 years...excellent my Dude
    What you experiences with transportation design in your country? Since way you draw cars my friend?
    thank's and welcome to Broba

  4. Hey man!

    Very nice work!
    Keep sending to Broba!

  5. Very Good!!!!!!!
    Welcome Boy!!!!
    Your Sketches are very professional, I like so much
    Keep sketching!

  6. whatahell!
    Only 17 and sketching like this?! Very very nice! congratulations and thank you for trusting in Broba!
    You're welcome!
    keep sketching!

  7. Great work mate!
    really love ur sketchs!!!

    You play well with ur watercolor stuff!
    Also a great line work!

    Hope to see more of your rederings here on Broba!
    Good man dave! Good man!!

    C ya!

  8. Welcome Dave!!

    Really nice work... I don´t believe that you are only 17 years old!!
    You have a great manual sketch hability and very original designs... congratulations!

    See you!!
